Ready, Set, Speak: Essential Tips for Making the Most of SPEAKR

We here at SPEAKR are buzzing around like bees getting ready to host our inaugural event at the beautiful Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center in Chester, NY, and we simply can’t wait to see you there! Because we are kind and empathetic folks, we wanted to share with you a list of recommendations and need to know items to make your trip to SPEAKR a memorable one. Let’s dive in.

1. Review the Schedule

Before setting foot at the SPEAKR event, take some time to review the schedule and familiarize yourself with the lineup of speakers, workshops, networking opportunities, as well as your time slot for content creation (including your sizzle reel). Identify event content and attendees that align with your goals and interests, and prioritize those that will help you enhance your speaking skills, expand your network, and propel your career forward.

2. Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

As you mingle with fellow speakers, event organizers, and industry professionals at the SPEAKR event, having a compelling elevator pitch is essential for making a memorable first impression. Craft a concise and compelling introduction that highlights your unique value proposition as a speaker and sparks curiosity about your work. Whether you're chatting with potential collaborators or event organizers (that would be us), your elevator pitch will help you stand out in a crowded room.

3. Bring Your Business Cards

Networking is a cornerstone of the SPEAKR event, so don't forget to bring plenty of business cards to exchange with fellow speakers and industry insiders (if you’re environmentally conscious, consider having a digital one that you can text or email to contacts, saved in your Photos app on your smartphone). Your business card is a tangible reminder of your presence at the event and provides a convenient way for others to follow up with you after the event. Be sure to include essential contact information , your website or social media handles, and a QR code to find you online.

4. Dress to Impress

First impressions matter, so be sure to dress to impress at the SPEAKR event. Opt for professional attire that reflects your personal style and conveys confidence and professionalism. Whether you prefer a sleek business suit or a stylish ensemble that showcases your personality, dressing the part will help you command attention and exude credibility as a speaker. And if you’re looking for help sprucing up your look, we have an add-on at SPEAKR for hair and makeup that will help your appearance sparkle.

5. Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

While it's essential to have a plan in place for the SPEAKR event, it's also crucial to stay flexible and open-minded as opportunities arise. Be prepared to adapt to changes in the schedule, strike up conversations with unexpected acquaintances, and explore new ideas and perspectives during interactive sessions. The SPEAKR event is a dynamic and immersive experience, so embrace the spontaneity and let serendipity guide your journey.

As you prepare to embark on your SPEAKR adventure, remember that every moment is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with fellow speakers and industry leaders. By reviewing the schedule, preparing your elevator pitch, bringing your business cards, dressing to impress, and staying flexible and open-minded, you'll be ready to make the most of this transformative event and take your speaking career to new heights. So seize the moment, embrace the journey, and get ready to shine on stage at the SPEAKR event!

Haven’t registered yet? There’s still time. Register now and secure your spot at SPEAKR before it sells out!


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