The Benefits of Having a Published Book for Speakers

A published book is one of the most powerful tools that speakers can leverage to enhance their careers and credibility. Publishing a book can set the stage for establishing authority on a niche topic, increase speaking fees, enhance a speaker’s visibility, and so much more. If you’re a public speaker and think a book might be the missing piece to building your career, read on to learn about the benefits of getting published. 

1. Establishing Authority and Credibility

A published book instantly elevates your status as an expert in your field. It serves as a tangible testament to your knowledge and experience. Speakers with a book are often perceived as more credible and are more likely to be invited to high-profile speaking engagements. 

Eric Jorgenson, CEO of Scribe Media - the world’s #1 professional publishing company - stresses the importance of integrating book publishing into your marketing strategy early.

“Over and over again we see experts and professional speakers create an inflection point in their careers when they write a book. People have the perception they write a book at the end of a successful career. Look closely, and you’ll see the opposite — writing your book helps create a successful career. It has a multiplying effect on everything else you do.”

If you’re unsure where to start with your book-writing process, contact Lauren Patterson to take the next step!

2. Increasing Speaking Fees

The added credibility of publishing a book can also justify higher speaking fees. If you’re just getting started in the public speaking industry, you might find yourself being offered a nominal fee for a talk (if you’re not being asked to do it for free, that is). Having a published book can transform you in the public eye - sometimes overnight - into an expert who is A) well-known in your field and B) potentially help drive your speaking engagement fees up much higher. 

3. Enhancing Visibility and Reach
A book can significantly boost your visibility, not just within your industry but across a wider audience. Authors who speak can tap into new markets and opportunities by leveraging their books. A book can land you podcast interviews, traditional media opportunities, and other speaking opportunities that you might usually consider outside your wheelhouse, allowing you to tap into an entirely new audience.

4. Generating Additional Revenue Streams
Speaking engagements are one of the few opportunities that you have to actually sell a lot of books. You can make it a part of your contract that the event organizers have to sell X number of books, or you can sell your book in the back of the room. It’s also a great way to meet attendees, network, and potentially create more speaking opportunities for yourself in the future (see the next point for more).

5. Providing a Platform for New Opportunities
Our favorite element of writing a book is the opportunity to use the book to market yourself. Publishing a book can lead to opportunities such as consulting gigs, brand partnerships, and even invitations to participate in expert panels or media features. According to this article by our friends at Scribe Media, a book acts as a gateway, opening doors that may have remained closed otherwise and providing a solid foundation upon which to build and diversify your career.

6. Building a Loyal Audience
Finally, a book helps you connect more deeply with your audience by providing valuable insights and a lasting resource they can refer back to. When you write a book that changes people’s lives, they don’t forget. They become followers, fans, and customers. That means they attend your events, follow your work, and do what they can to support you. Books are huge relationship builders and allow you to have a conversation when you’re not even in the room, which allows you to have sustained success in the public speaking arena.

Is writing a book something you’ve always wanted to do but aren’t sure where to start? Then, you need to register for SPEAKR. Not only will you have the opportunity to create a new sizzle reel and headshots, but you’ll also be able to talk to industry leaders like Scribe Media, who will be on site to help attendees workshop their books and book ideas. Join us in May and prepare to take your speaking career to the next level! 


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